
Fürdöházi Álnok of Amiryck (Imp)

Gyarmat-Erdei Pandur x Fürdöházi Mari

11/04/2009 – 15/09/2023

Hip Score HD-FREI

CLEAR of the HYPERURICOSURIA mutation (click here for certificate)

Cezars pedigree

We had for some time been looking around for suitable husbands for Apple.  We were concious that we didn’t want to “get in a hole” with the gene pool over here since a large number of the wires we see in the UK are from only a handful of lines, which starts to make finding an unrelated male pretty difficult.

We had seen a male I liked in Holland, who we had been monitoring with the thought of possibly asking to use him. However, in the meantime we saw a male for sale in Hungary that stood out to us.  Interestingly when we asked about his pedigree he was descended from the same lines as the male we had liked in Holland.  However, despite the fact that we liked the look of him we wouldn’t dream of importing a male without making sure we liked his temperament. A whistle stop trip to Hungary ensued and within no time Cézár had joined us (October 2011).

We are so pleased with him and how he has settled in with us and our dogs. He has the most wonderfully loving temperament and is a driven worker.

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